Theta - North
Theta - South
Theta - East
Theta - West
Theta: North / South / East / West
In the world of contemporary movie making music blares out constantly out at the audience, as scenes intercut with each other at an ever increasing frequency. It’s all to easy to watch the latest Hollywood 'blockbuster' - our emotions are cynically manipulated. We know when we’re meant to laugh and when to cry, when to feel happy or sad and when to be scared. Watching film and television requires no thought on the viewer’s part, we just sit there and accept it all in some kind of post-Orwellean stupor.
However, when confronted with a movie where nothing happens there is no such signposting. As viewers we are actually forced into thinking, we begin to ask questions, and are then forced to come up with our own answers.
The following works are motion pictures that don’t move - or perhaps photographs that do. By forcing you to concentrate on the most mundane and smallest of movements and sounds their meanings begin to take on a new significance - the viewing process becoming a contemplative experience as one is exposed to the world through new eyes and ears.